Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Hill

This is kind of just a collection of random songs I had lying around put over a recording of a walk I took with my dog Tex. It's made up of:

3 new Goatface songs:
-The Hill
-cold turkey

1 old dumb or dead song I found on a cassette in my closet:
-my AK

2 birds in the basement songs we did sometime last year:
-Holiday Ave.
-The Secret

3 old Goatface songs:
-the park
-smells like bug weddings

pic is the DL link

Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

yellow hole

yellow hole

wrote all the songs over the course of the past month or so

played them live back to back

multitracked to get all the effects/ambiance and color them in

it was a lot of fun to do

so close your eyes
put your headphones
on and give it a listen

track list:
yellow hole
Tuesday night in Athens
love cripple
China St. drums
nightmare saunter
black cat rising
registration day
gradient sunset

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Large Hard Collider(Re-Up)

Glass Curtains, Always Burning Down, and strangelet were recorded about a month ago. Everything else was recorded yesterday/today. This is sort of a companion piece to Quiet Out West. Different sides of the same record.

Track Listing:
1. LHC
2. Glass Curtains
3. Always Burning Down
4. Lemon Cake
6. Only Logic
Elephantine Sleep Paralysis
8. strangelet
9. Sonar Epilogue

pic is the DL link

Monday, September 29, 2008

Anyone Else But You - The Moldy Peaches

here is a moldy peaches cover i did this afternoon:


it's been stuck in my head ever since i saw that movie juno the other day and i had to get it out somehow

i went with the short version because i think the verses about the konami code and crapping your pants(although great) sort of lessen the sappy impact of the song

and i'm still working on the previously mentioned "
new thing" but it's been slow going lately because i've been swamped with school/work things these days

hope to have something more substantial soon


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm working on a new thing. This is probbaly the album art.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Goatface - Quiet Out West

this is an album about a goatface cowboy and his weird journeys out west

kind of an ambient/noise rock thing going on

3)red fences
4)stars in her eyes
5)loose leaf organ
6)iron man bill
7)tex and the indians
8)starts tomorrow (II)
9)blue daffodils

Virtual 7" - Goatface: "Gummy" b/w "tex and the indians (alt version)"

I am totally ripping of Bradford Cox here but the Virtual 7" is just a great idea. These were recorded towards the end of my stay at Sunset.

On another note, yesterday I decided to flesh out the mini album staRts tOMorrow. Currently it's 12 tracks long and clocks in at just under thirty minuets. I'll post it when things are a bit more polished.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

staRts tOMorrow

I was bored today so I went way above sea level and recorded a mini album!
It's got some sort of an ambient thing going on.

pic is the download link

1)starts tomorrow (1)
2)stars in her eyes
3)loose leaf orGan
4)irOn mAn bill
5)starTs tomorrow (2)
6)blue daffodils

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mr. Owl

This is, as far as I can remember, the first song I ever recorded with Alex Cook (aka Dumb or Dead). When we lived in East Point we would get incredibly drunk and record with whatever we had on hand. I think this was something Alex had written beforehand and we decided to put some music to it.

pic is the download link

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Monday, May 26, 2008


So yeah.. I feel kind of dumb doing a blog.. but hey maybe some future internet archaeologist will unearth it from the crumbling Blogger servers and I will get retroactively famous.

Yeah probbaly not.

Anyway here is a song to commemorate the first post. Its a short little instrumental track I recorded today and its about fairies getting down with their bad selves in the forest or something. I dunno!

Click the Pic to Download Dance of the Green Fairies:


-Ryan M.